
Ozark Koala Ecosystem Services is a land management company that provides both consulting and implementation services. We provide the expertise to educate customers about all of their options to assist them in making  informed decisions. From prescribed fire, to invasive species removal, you will be amazed at the positive changes to your property. As always, the Ozark Koala staff prides themselves on customer service and production of quality work.

Many private landowners, government agencies, and other organizations may lack the work force, equipment, and/or know-how to perform desired land management projects. Instead of hiring numerous seasonal workers, many chose to hire Ozark Koala to complete their management duties. Some of our satisfied customers include Illinois Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy, and Green Earth in Carbondale, IL.  At Ozark Koala Ecosystem Services, we specialize in providing the expertise and staff necessary to complete projects in a safe, effective, and environmentally friendly manner.

Prescribed Fire Conducted by OKES(click on the picture to see post burn pics)